— |
dash |
《》 |
french quotes |
… |
ellipsis |
\n |
new line |
\r |
Carriage return |
~ |
Tilde. |
` |
Acute, Back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push.反引号 |
! |
Exclamation mark, Exclamation point, or Bang. |
@ |
Ampersat, Arobase, Asperand, At, or At symbol. |
# |
Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash. |
£ |
Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol. |
€ |
Euro. |
$ |
Dollar sign or generic currency. |
¢ |
Cent sign. |
¥ |
Chinese/Japenese Yuan. |
§ |
Micro or Section. |
% |
Percent. |
° |
Degree. |
^ |
Caret or Circumflex. |
& |
Ampersand, Epershand, or And. |
* |
Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star. |
( |
Open parenthesis. |
) |
Close parenthesis. |
- |
Hyphen, Minus or Dash. |
_ |
Underscore. |
+ |
Plus. |
= |
Equal. |
{ |
Open Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket. |
} |
Close Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket. |
[ |
Open bracket. |
] |
Closed bracket. |
¦ |
Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar. |
\ |
Backslash or Reverse Solidus. |
/ |
Forward slash, Solidus, Virgule, Whack, and mathematical division symbol. |
: |
Colon. |
; |
Semicolon. |
” |
Quote, Quotation mark, or Inverted commas. |
’ |
Apostrophe or Single Quote. |
< |
Less Than or Angle brackets. |
> |
Greater Than or Angle brackets. |
<= |
less than or equal |
, |
Comma. |
. |
Period, dot or Full Stop. |
? |
Question Mark. |